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lJuly 2021 - in n. 73, 2020 of «Bollettino della Società Storica Valtellinese » our members F. Carminati and A. Mariani  published an article entitled "Il Piano di Olonio in età tardoantica. Geografia storica e aspetti insediativi ".

December 2020 - in n. 25, 2020 of «Histoire des Alpes - Storia delle Alpi - Geschichte der Alpen » our members F. Carminati and A. Mariani  published an article entitled " L'attraversamento delle Alpi Retiche in età tardoantica. La Tabula Peutingeriana e le Viae Militares ".

November 2020 - Our members Andrea Mariani and Fabio Carminati attended the 39th International Haskins Conference, with a speech entitled " The Overcoming of Old Postulates: The Case of the Insula Comacina ". 

July 2020 - The proceedings of the congress organised by the Università Cattolica of Milano (IV incontro per l'archeologica barbarica - I Longobardi a nord di Milano - Centri di potere tra Adda e Ticino) have been published. At pp. 91-108 the essay by our members F. Carminati and A. Mariani: L'Isola Comacina, Capiate e le case tributarie longobarde, in I
Longobardi a nord di Milano. Centri di potere tra adda e Ticino
. IV incontro per l'archeologia barbarica. Cairate (Varese), Auditorium e monastero di S. Maria Assunta 21 settembre 2019, ed. by Gian Pietro Brogiolo and Paola Marina de Marchi, Mantova 2020.

December 2019 - In n. 15-2, 2019, of «Antrocom Journal of Anthropology» our membres F. Carminati and A. Mariani published an article entitled "Formazione e idealizzazione di tesi assiomatiche in ambito scientifico. Il caso di Licini Forum".

October 2019 - In n. 200, 2019 (2018) of «Rivista Archeologica Comense» our membres F. Carminati and A. Mariani published an article entitled "Élites locali di area milanese nel secolo IX: Attone da Canimalo".

September 2019 - on 21st, at the Auditorium of the old church of the saints Ambrogio and Martino in Cairate (VA) our members Fabio Carminati e Andrea Mariani presented the results of the researchs about Capiate and its territory, as part of the conference organised by the Università Cattolica of Milano (IV incontro per l'archeologica barbarica - I Longobardi a nord di Milano - Centri di potere tra Adda e Ticino). The proceedings will be published during 2020.

June 2019 - In n. 60/2 (2019) of «Studi Storici» our members F. Carminati e A. Mariani published an article entitled "I «comites de loco Leuco»: funzioni esercitate e assetti familiari (secoli IX e X)".

May 2019 - The St. Joseph Church has been inaugurated, after restoration.

October 2018 - on 26th, at the Civico Museo of Erba (CO), lecture given by our members Fabio Carminati e Andrea Mariani. They shall explain the main content of their study 'Isola Comacina e Isola Comense: una storica con-fusione di identità'. H. 21.00. The conference paper can be downloaded here.

July 2018 - Cambridge Scholars has published the volume Medieval Territories, ed. by F. Sabaté and J. Brufal. On pages 274-315 it contains a contribution by our members F. Carminati and A. Mariani. The chapter is entitled: From Ecclesiastical Asset to Private Property: 'Expropriation' of Monastic Estates at the Beginning of the Fourteenth Century in a Milanese Case Study. The study analyzes the transfer of ownership of the lands of Capiate from the Monastery of Sant'Ambrogio to the Della Torre family, between 1310 and 1312.

June 2018 - Fondazione Comunitaria del Lecchese ONLUS has granted a contribution of eur 9.000,00 for the restoration of the St. Joseph Church.

May 2018 - The proceedings of the congress "Genius Loci-Lugares e Significados" have been published. They contain a study concerning ancient routes in the area of Lombard Lakes. A. Mariani, M. Brivio, La viabilità antica nella zona dei laghi della Lombardia occidentale. Implicazioni strategiche nel periodo tardo romano, in Genius Loci, Lugares e significados. Places and meanings, Vol. 2, ed. by L. Rosas, A. C. Sousa, H. Barreira, Porto 2017, pp. 659 - 670.

April 2018 - In n. 97 (2017) of «Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken» (QFIAB) our members F. Carminati e A. Mariani published an article entitled Le case tributarie nelle leggi e nei documenti longobardi

February 2018 - In n. 6 (2017) of «The Journal of Medieval Monastic Studies» our members F. Carminati e A. Mariani published an article entitled "The Court and Land of Capiate during its Tenure by the Monastero di Sant’Ambrogio of Milan, from the Ninth to the Fourteenth Centuries: The State of Research"

January 2018 - Federarcheo has made available on its website the texts of the lectures presented at the VI National Congress "Le presenze Longobarde nelle regioni d'Italia" of 12 November 2017, including that of our members A. Mariani, F. Carminati, Tracce longobarde in Brianza. It caso di Capiate e del suo territorio. The document can be downloaded from the Federarcheo web page (http://www.federarcheo.it/longobardi/castelseprio-2018/), or, directly, on this link.

November 2017 - Our members Andrea Mariani and Fabio Carminati presented a report entitled "Tracce longobarde in Brianza: il caso di Capiate e del suo territorio" at the VI National Meeting "Le presenze longobarde nelle regioni d'Italia"

May 2017 - The proceedings of the conference "La Curtis di Capiate fra tardo antico e medioevo" of 21th may 2016 have been published. Free download here.

April 2017 - Beginning of the restoration of St. Joseph church (structural works only)

September 2016 - The restoration of the access gate to Capiate buildings has been finished

June 2016 - Beginning of the restoration of the access gate to Capiate buildings

May 2016 - Andrea Mariani has published in the journal "Burgen und Schlösser", n.1/2016, a study entitled "Die Provinz Brianza zwischen dem 10. und dem 13. Jahrhundert: Interdisziplinarität als erfolgreicher Ansatz der Burgenforschung", which analyzes the fortifications of Brianza, with special attention to the case of Capiate.  

May 2016 - a Meeting for communication to public of the results of the project "Archaeological excavations and historical researches" is scheduled for the next May, 21st. The program can be downloaded here.

22 April 2016 - Our members Andrea Mariani and Marco Brivio have taken part in the international Meeting "Genius Loci - Places and Meanings" organised by FLUP/CITCEM (University of Porto). They have presented a study concerning ancient roads in Lombard lake area, highlighting strategical features of Capiate in Late Roman times.

April 2016 - Nuova Rivista Storica has published, on number C - I/2016, an article edited by our members, which proposes to identify Capiate with the Insula Comacina of the Historia Langobardorum.

March 2016 - The website in english language is online.

February 2016 - The Associazione Capiate-Radici nel Futuro ONLUS has been nominated to the Prize "Medieval Italy".

December 2015 - The Fondazione Provincia di Lecco ONLUS has decided to finance the project of restoration of the access gate to Capiate buildings. Soon, details soon will be uploaded on this website.

November 2015 - The restoration of the fresco in the Foppone Chapel has been finished.

25 Oct 2015 - The Associazione Sphera - Calolziocorte has organized a guided visit to Capiate within the "Itinerario storico tra il Monastero del Lavello e la Corte di Sant'Ambrogio di Capiate".

August 2015 - The Soprintendenza Belle Arti e Paesaggio of Milano has approved the project for restoratione of the St. Joseph Church.

25-26 June 2015 - Fifth International Medieval Meeting in Lleda (Spain). Andrea Mariani has presented a speech about the history of Capiate at the beginning of the fourteenth century.

march 2015 - The trailer for the presentation of the new book of the writer Ketty Magni is online. It has been shot in Capiate. To see the trailer, click here.

09 Mar 2015 - Beginning of the restoration of the Foppone Chapel.

20 Nov 2014 - Fondazione Provincia di Lecco ONLUS has granted a contribution of eur 5.000,00 for the restoration of the Foppone Chapel.

July 2014 - Start of activities related to the project "Archeological excavation and historical researches", co-funded by Fondazione Provincia di Lecco ONLUS.

07 Jul 2014 - The Parco Adda Nord issued authorization for the restoration project of the Foppone Chapel.

28 Dec 2013 - The website in italian language is online.


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 Copyright Associazione Capiate - Radici nel Futuro ONLUS - cod. fisc. 97643660158
For any problem or question please contact us associazione@capiate.org.
Last update: 2021-07-12.